You are out there in the world and you are doing something, anything let’s say telling a funny story to some people. As in most group situations some people get it and think it is funny and others don’t. The don’t people aren’t even smiling. You are standing there and may be feeling a bit queasy at this point…and thinking perhaps you didn’t tell the story very well, or it wasn’t an appropriate story for this group or any number of things. What needs to be decided at this point is…who is telling you these things… I or ME? The idea that just came to me is kind of hard to explain…since I/the writer am doing the explaining and using I/the example. To, hopefully, dodge this bullet the writer is going to refer to herself that way and only use I when talking about I/the example. Got it?
Have you ever played with the idea of how you think of yourself when you say I and then when you think ME?
For this writer, ME is born when you are a little pink/blue bundle delivered by the large, white stork. As your awareness grows such things as the wiggly things waving in front of you …later labeled hands and feet… are at first just part of ME. Then there are many more things that you come to know as not ME. The point is ME isn’t loaded with value is just ME.
Now YOU/I come into the picture. The writer grouped these together because it depends on who is doing the talking as to which of the two is used. Eventually the inquisitive, active ME begins to be told YOU do this or YOU don’t do that. Anyway ME begins to lose sight of ME and becomes an I/YOU infused with all the judgments it is being feed. Let the writer introduce YOU/ I. I is made up of the opinions of other people, societies, books, TV shows, etc. as to what ME is or should be. After all ME doesn't need value judgments. ME’s world is a given. When needing to build your self-esteem do words like…I can do this, I really look good in that pop into your head? Or, if the I isn’t living up to what it expects, do words like I really suck at this stomp through your mind. Ok admit it, isn’t your world just filled with I judgments? About now you may be thinking.."are you saying when I'm thinking, hey I can do this …… or I sure can’t do that …… that it isn’t ME?" Nope that is I... the I constructed on what others have said (and you believed) about ME. For a while it might be fun to question what would ME think every time the word I pops into your head (ok bad grammar but ME don't care). Seeing the world through your ME eyes allows you to live in the moment and helps with finding your answers.
PS. This blog REALLY upset the Spelling and Grammar checker…it is still frantically shaking it’s little bits and bites as I exit out.
Have you ever played with the idea of how you think of yourself when you say I and then when you think ME?
For this writer, ME is born when you are a little pink/blue bundle delivered by the large, white stork. As your awareness grows such things as the wiggly things waving in front of you …later labeled hands and feet… are at first just part of ME. Then there are many more things that you come to know as not ME. The point is ME isn’t loaded with value is just ME.
Now YOU/I come into the picture. The writer grouped these together because it depends on who is doing the talking as to which of the two is used. Eventually the inquisitive, active ME begins to be told YOU do this or YOU don’t do that. Anyway ME begins to lose sight of ME and becomes an I/YOU infused with all the judgments it is being feed. Let the writer introduce YOU/ I. I is made up of the opinions of other people, societies, books, TV shows, etc. as to what ME is or should be. After all ME doesn't need value judgments. ME’s world is a given. When needing to build your self-esteem do words like…I can do this, I really look good in that pop into your head? Or, if the I isn’t living up to what it expects, do words like I really suck at this stomp through your mind. Ok admit it, isn’t your world just filled with I judgments? About now you may be thinking.."are you saying when I'm thinking, hey I can do this …… or I sure can’t do that …… that it isn’t ME?" Nope that is I... the I constructed on what others have said (and you believed) about ME. For a while it might be fun to question what would ME think every time the word I pops into your head (ok bad grammar but ME don't care). Seeing the world through your ME eyes allows you to live in the moment and helps with finding your answers.
PS. This blog REALLY upset the Spelling and Grammar checker…it is still frantically shaking it’s little bits and bites as I exit out.