Well I do believe that this is a good day to start on my adventure. I began the day by thinking how much fun it would be to jettison much of the internal clutter packed tightly in my head. After reading about minimalism, I have worked to downsize items in my life. I see how freeing that is. What would being an INTERNAL MINIMALIST offer me? What would that feel like to not have much of what bounces around in my head dampen my enthusiasm? Would it leave room for new adventures? Well this idea seems frightening! What if I blogged about the process. Even thinking of doing this starts bundles of self-judgment careening around crashing into stacks and stacks of other horded bundles. You are not a writer…at all. Have you completely lost your mind? So as I try to mentally slam the door on this whole internal minimalist blog idea I find that I am now sitting at my laptop. I honestly don’t know how I got here. I must have been busy telling myself how silly this idea is as I walked into the room. I’m here so the first step has been taken.
The next step is to commit to posting it on the blog. This feels like is a virtual way of forcing myself out to the cliff’s edge. Ok jump and start flapping. Yep right I have a safety net. I don’t really expect this to be read. But what if it is? I want to experience FREEDOM…and I would like anyone else doing their own head clearing to join me. Buried under a mound of dos and don’ts is never going to get me to freedom and not you either. If you are a writer this will either be very painful for you to read…or fun because I will give you so much you could correct…it is all in your point of view.
Erased is what I was going to say next. All sorts of fencing were being built around how I was going to do this. Setting parameters gives me much more security. I just work so much better when I can clearly see the boundaries of what is acceptable (anything that will keep others from raising their eyes skyward and talking about me behind my back). I had better quit because the more I write the more disposable things are crowding in line for removal.
10/14/14 the Item to dispose of:
I dispose of telling myself….YOU CAN’T DO __________ BECAUSE YOU CAN’T DO IT CORRECTLY/LIKE EVERYONE ELSE/IN A WAY PEOPLE WON’T RIDICULE. I am aware that when I dispose of one thing I am not replacing it with the opposite. I am not saying I can do it wonderfully or in such a way that will get a standing ovation the next time I enter a room. I am saying the groundwork is being set for me to try anything what sounds fun and do it in a way I choose. The idea of doing it for the attention or approval is for another day.
The next step is to commit to posting it on the blog. This feels like is a virtual way of forcing myself out to the cliff’s edge. Ok jump and start flapping. Yep right I have a safety net. I don’t really expect this to be read. But what if it is? I want to experience FREEDOM…and I would like anyone else doing their own head clearing to join me. Buried under a mound of dos and don’ts is never going to get me to freedom and not you either. If you are a writer this will either be very painful for you to read…or fun because I will give you so much you could correct…it is all in your point of view.
Erased is what I was going to say next. All sorts of fencing were being built around how I was going to do this. Setting parameters gives me much more security. I just work so much better when I can clearly see the boundaries of what is acceptable (anything that will keep others from raising their eyes skyward and talking about me behind my back). I had better quit because the more I write the more disposable things are crowding in line for removal.
10/14/14 the Item to dispose of:
I dispose of telling myself….YOU CAN’T DO __________ BECAUSE YOU CAN’T DO IT CORRECTLY/LIKE EVERYONE ELSE/IN A WAY PEOPLE WON’T RIDICULE. I am aware that when I dispose of one thing I am not replacing it with the opposite. I am not saying I can do it wonderfully or in such a way that will get a standing ovation the next time I enter a room. I am saying the groundwork is being set for me to try anything what sounds fun and do it in a way I choose. The idea of doing it for the attention or approval is for another day.