I’m setting out today on an adventure. The main purpose in going is to walk on the Camino de Santiago. It is a pilgrims’ path that has been followed for decades. There are so many reasons and stories of why people choose to do the walk. One thing that is pretty consistent in each is that you come back changed. That is exciting and
daunting at the same time. Pondering the whole process began a while ago. Friends and family have given me loving items and thoughts to carry with me. Today I found the prefect token to represents my Camino and it will now be going along also. It is a cross section of a fossilized snail casing (see below). I have had it awhile and thought it beautiful. Today I glanced and it took on a whole new meaning. I am not sure if it represents pacing into my center or from center outward to the world. How would you approach a walk on your own path toward self-discovery? Would you plan and prepare or would you go with the flow and live in the moment? Would you insulate yourself from any unpleasantness along the way or count it a learning experience and stride on? As for my walk I am hoping to go with the flow and see what life has to offer…the adventure begins.
daunting at the same time. Pondering the whole process began a while ago. Friends and family have given me loving items and thoughts to carry with me. Today I found the prefect token to represents my Camino and it will now be going along also. It is a cross section of a fossilized snail casing (see below). I have had it awhile and thought it beautiful. Today I glanced and it took on a whole new meaning. I am not sure if it represents pacing into my center or from center outward to the world. How would you approach a walk on your own path toward self-discovery? Would you plan and prepare or would you go with the flow and live in the moment? Would you insulate yourself from any unpleasantness along the way or count it a learning experience and stride on? As for my walk I am hoping to go with the flow and see what life has to offer…the adventure begins.