Changes are often very threatening (somewhat of a mild understatement). You may not even be comfortable where you are but at least you know the ground rules and have developed ways to cope with what is presented to you. Internal changes can be even harder to deal with. I don’t know about you but I started out thinking (when I timidly peeked inside) this is ME this is what I am like. Wanting to get a better picture I began to read. It was amazing to consider that many things about a person aren’t static. That someone can see, understand things and choose to change, wow! Right after the exhilaration of these new ideas came the (you may think I’m going to say apprehension, nope…) cringing fear of change. Ok certain parts of you may not be appealing but they begin to feel like near and dear friends at the prospect of taking the leap into the new. So then the bargaining starts… I will
try just a little change and test out the results. As with anything new there are a few skinned knees during the learning process. Your stern, unforgiving, insistent voice keeps up with the “see I TOLD you this wasn’t going to
work”. So you drop back panting and think maybe the familiar isn’t so bad. This back and forth can go on forever
if you choose. OR you can KNOW when it is time to move to a new place, understand that the insistent voice wants to stay put and that a large part of you does also but declare it moving day. Close and lock the door on the old and take your next step in growing.
try just a little change and test out the results. As with anything new there are a few skinned knees during the learning process. Your stern, unforgiving, insistent voice keeps up with the “see I TOLD you this wasn’t going to
work”. So you drop back panting and think maybe the familiar isn’t so bad. This back and forth can go on forever
if you choose. OR you can KNOW when it is time to move to a new place, understand that the insistent voice wants to stay put and that a large part of you does also but declare it moving day. Close and lock the door on the old and take your next step in growing.