Directions to Maluhia Farm
The address is 555 Paper Town Road, Alpine, AL 35014. Different GPS machines get you to slightly different places along the road. Once you turn on to Paper Town it is best to to follow the directions at the bottom.
Take 280 towards Childersburg.
After you cross the bridge into Childersburg, at the 2nd light take a left…that is 1st St SW/AL 76/County Hwy 8
Follow that for 4.3 miles, then turn right onto County Hwy 175/Oakdale Road
Go about 3 miles and after you see a small cement works on your left, turn left onto Paper Town Road
In about .2 of a mile, you will see some mail boxes on right; 555 is on the first of three together…it is easy to see…turn left onto the gravel road
Go down past a farm on right, then you will come to Maluhia Farm on the left. Turn in the first drive; parking is on the left.